Eat Greens For Health

We specialize in growing chemical-free greens providing protein, fiber, nitrogen, and many other nutrients necessary for optimal health.  We grow various varieties of kale, lettuce, chard, callaloo, cabbage, spinach, and more.  We also grow various varieties of delicious, juicy and sweet tomatoes, as well as potatoes and sweet potatoes.

We are located on a pristine 118 acre  Agro-Forest of fields, wetland, and woodland, in the New York Finger Lakes, and we sell to Upstate NY, Pennsylvania, New Jersey and New York City.  We sell directly to health minded markets and restaurants, and we have a weekly Greens Box subscription service.


Loving Farms LLC seeks to partner with the land to create a sustainable business while supporting the health of the land for future generations.  Our business model seeks to create profits through the cultivation and sale of healthy vegetables, the sale of home-made whole foods plant-based baked goods, through on-farm and off-farm educational projects that share information on healthy living and natural conservation while building skills, and by hosting guests for peaceful and restful stays in nature.  Our goals seek conservation and revenues, and we believe these goals can both be achieved together.


We believe in growing healthy food in a way that restores and respects the land and the environment.  We believe in making this healthy food available at costs that all people can afford, and in providing this food for free to those that cannot afford to pay.  We are called Loving Farms for two reasons.  First, we strive to show love and kindness to land, nature and animals, and to all people, regardless of their race, religion, or political beliefs.  Second, as an interracial farm, we give homage to Richard and Mildred Loving, the interracial married couple that successfully challenged laws making it illegal for those of different races to marry.  We love that the Lovings were not only an interracial family, but that they also were a simple, country family connected to the earth that worked with their hands.

For the true measure of agriculture is not the sophistication of its equipment, the size of its income, or even the statistics of its productivity, but the good health of the land.

Treat people like human beings, never like political abstractions.  Criticize to uplift and empower, never to tear down, never to destroy.  Root everything you do in love and compassion.

Make it your ambition to be quiet and occupy yourselves with your own affairs, and work with your own hands. . .in order that you may conduct yourself politely to others and may have need of nothing.

I went to live in the woods because I wished to live deliberately, to front only the essential facts of life, and see if I could not learn what it had to teach, and not, when I came to die, discover that I have not lived. . .


Our latest and best photos

We love to take pictures and show them to the world.

Whole Foods Plant Based Peach Blackberry Cobler

Debbie Making One of Her Delicious Vegan Berry Crisps

Vegan Caribbean Soul Dish Made with Veggies from the Farm

Salad Made from Farm Kale and Brussel Sprouts

Veggie and Potato Salad from the Farm

Farmer Craig in the Tiny House


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